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Design Prize for Bowlers' Headgear

Posted: 7 November 2018

The England and Wales Cricket Board and MCC are looking for innovative designs in the field of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE).

First prize: £4K with successful candidate eligible for a significant investment in prototype development
Second prize: £1K
Third prize: £500

The focus of the design is aimed at advancing safety provision for bowlers in the act of delivering the ball and the follow-through.

The nature of cricket has seen the cricket ball being struck harder than ever and, as such, the ECB and MCC are looking at ways of increasing protection to the head. To date there have been no products in mainstream production or indeed use.

There are no set restrictions to designs but they must be sufficiently ergonomic in relation to weight and thermal conduction and need to be acceptable to the bowler in relation to delivering his/her skills and activities.

They need only be worn while bowling and therefore easily removable. The cost of manufacturing must also be within practicable limits.

The final design shortlist will be judged by the ECB Safety in Cricket Committee, MCC and PCA as well as Technology and Design specialists.

The closing date for submissions is 31 March 2019.

For expressions of interest and an application pack, please enter via email here.

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